Smartphone App to Diagnose Ear Infections Developed by Scientists

If there’s one illness that every child seems predisposed to, it’s ear infections. The problem comes in when they have several ear infections. This requires lots of doctor visits, meaning money and time spent. You may hate to keep going to the doctor because after a few times, you know the symptoms. But the doctor won’t prescribe antibiotics unless your child has been diagnosed. There may be another solution very soon. Scientists have developed a smartphone app to diagnose ear infections. It works by listening for fluid in the ears with the addition of a folded piece of paper. Diagnose Ear Infections with Smartphone App… Read more

Posted by / May 16, 2019 / Posted in News

How to Send Large Files from Your Android Device

As our Android phones continue to play a bigger and bigger role in our work lives, it’s only natural that we’ll want to use them for bigger tasks. Take transferring large files for instance. If you have something on your phone that’s 1GB or even just a hundred megabytes, it’s already too big to email. There are plenty of workarounds to that problem. We’ll show you a trick and a couple of great apps that will help you send your large files from your Android device. 1. EasyJoin If you’re just looking to share files on your local network, there are several ways you can… Read more

Reclaim Your Privacy with These Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google’s Services

We put up with Google because the apps are awesome. But there are downsides to living in the panopticon. If you’d prefer not to have a corporation and all its buddies breathing down your neck, consider these privacy-focused alternatives to Google’s services. Notes on Our Suggestions While free services were preferred in our analysis, paid services are the reality of the privacy-first space. Companies can’t make money off your data, so advertisers don’t pay the bills. It’s up to you to pay. “If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.” We’ve recommended several Apple apps on this list, which might rankle those… Read more

How to Enable Software Auto Updates for macOS

Enabling auto updates has practically become the norm on every operating system, whether it be Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux, etc. Enabling auto updates allows your device to update all the software installed automatically in the background without you being worried about downloading the latest software versions. Similarly, if you want to have this feature on your Mac, you can simply enable automatic macOS System updates. Doing this will automatically allow your Mac to automatically download and install both macOS system updates and app updates onto your Mac. Points of note Most of us already have auto updates enabled on our smartphones. In rare cases apps may… Read more

Posted by / May 16, 2019 / Posted in Mac

Humble Book Bundle: Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning by Packt

Artificial intelligence has opened technology in many different areas. Once you combine it with deep learning, it makes it just that much more of a wider reach. The two areas don’t have to be hard to work with, though, in programming. You can learn more about both by purchasing the Humble Book Bundle: Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning by Packt. You’ll pay as little as $1 for books explaining Python deep learning, artificial intelligence for IoT, machine learning algorithms, and many more. For as little as $1 you’ll receive only the books you really need to get you on your way to learning more about… Read more

Posted by / May 15, 2019 / Posted in Deals