Two perfect podcasts to kick off your October

Podcasts for October Listening: Unobscured and Wild Thing

NEWS – October is my favorite month of the year. Perhaps it’s because of the crisp, fall weather, or maybe it’s because the tenuous veil between our world and the unknown becomes, for a brief moment, seemingly paper-thin.

In the spirit of ushering in the changing of seasons, I submit to you, readers, a pair of podcasts suited for warming up a mug of cider and listening to in a darkened room.


Aaron Mahnke, of the wonderfully macabre Lore series, takes us on a series-long deep dive of one specific topic in this new podcast. In season one, unwrap the often-forgotten details in what made the Salem Witch Trials such a dark and misunderstood period on our nation’s history.

Wild Thing

Laura Krantz, veteran producer and public radio editor, discovers her connection with a distant relative … a tenured professor of anthropology and renowned Bigfoot expert! Explore the stories, evidence and enduring fascination with Sasquatch.

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Two perfect podcasts to kick off your October originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on October 10, 2018 at 8:00 am.

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Three perfectly creepy podcasts for Halloween

Dark podcasts for Halloween-time

The nights are getting longer and the veil between our world and the other side grows thin. It’s the perfect time for sharing tales of the unknown, and to get in the mood I’ve been listening to some podcasts that are perfect for exploring the dark, unknown corners of our imaginations.


This weekly podcast is a cool collection of firsthand accounts, told by those involved in their personal paranormal experiences — from family curses to unexplained sounds on pitch-black border patrols.

Knifepoint Horror

In this series, Soren Narnia spins haunting stories of suspense with a supernatural air. Each episode is recorded in a single voice, sounding more like a confession than a storyteller. I’ve only listened to a few episodes so far, but each one gripped me from the start and left me speechless ‘til the end.


I’ve been a dutiful follower of Aaron Mahnke’s compendium of tales that focus on superstitions, dark obsessions, folklore and things that go bump in the night. Humans have long crafted stories to explain what we don’t understand — many of our darkest tales of horror are rooted in truth. Every time a new episode drops, I can’t wait to listen to Aaron’s careful, steady narration.

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Three perfectly creepy podcasts for Halloween originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on October 18, 2017 at 9:00 am.

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