The Nintendo Switch has been a major success for Nintendo. Its dual design as a home console and a portable unit means it fills a niche that consoles rarely manage to achieve. Of course, it’s not perfect; whether you want to move it safely or just want it to be more comfortable in your hands, it has its problems. Fortunately, the Switch’s success has opened the door to an array of great accessories that help you get the most out of the console. Here are the five best Nintendo Switch accessories that tackle specific issues people have with the console. Related: 5 Cheaper Alternatives to… Read more
Apple Pay can make everything from shopping to filling up your car with gas much easier. Just reaching for your phone rather than fishing out cash or a credit card is much more convenient. That is, of course, when everything is working as intended. You might encounter situations where you can’t use Apple Pay. Most of the time this is just because a store doesn’t support Apple Pay or your phone is out of battery. Sometimes, though, Apple Pay just won’t work, which can be frustrating, especially if you frequently travel without cash. Make Sure Apple Pay Isn’t Down If Apple Pay isn’t working, you… Read more
NEWS – To celebrate 10yrs in business, Mohu is offering 40% off every cord-cutting product on their website (using promo code MOHU10YEARS). This special sale is the perfect opportunity for those of you who have been thinking about cutting the cord but haven’t made the leap yet. Now you can grab some of the leading HDTV antennas on the market. Check out some of our Mohu reviews:
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NEWS – Do you ever buy something from Amazon and use it once or twice and stuff it in a drawer never to be used again? I think we all do that sometimes. That “sometimes” can add up and by add up, I mean in both money and unused stuff cluttering your home.
If you have a bunch of stuff that you purchased from Amazon that is no longer sparking joy, it’s time to get rid of it. But instead of taking it to Goodwill, having a garage sale, or eBaying it, there’s another option is coming soon. It’s called Amazon After and it’s an app that interfaces with Amazon and your purchase history to remind you if you haven’t used a product in a while so that you can sell it, donate it, rent it, lend it, and more. Check out the video to see how it works.
Amazon After is from Scott Amron, the same person that brought us the Keybrid Keyring Key. The app isn’t available just yet, but you can get more info and sign up to be a beta tester on his site.
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When you turn on your computer, after the operating system has booted up it will often land on the login screen where you have to enter your password to log in to your desktop. If your computer is already physically secured, or if there is little chance that others will have access to your computer, then you might want to enable automatic login so you can access the desktop faster. We have shown you how you can enable automatic login in Ubuntu, but if you are using LightDM, here are the steps to enable autologin in LightDM. How to Enable autologin in LighDM 1. Open… Read more