How to Drop Pins in Google Maps for More Accurate Directions

If you’ve ever wanted to use Google Maps to drive to a place that does not have a specific mailing address, you may remember the frustration it causes. Looking for areas of parks, camping sites, or a particular location with a fabulous view can be difficult, and sharing those with others even more so. Google Maps makes this easier to do by dropping pins onto their maps in any location you want. Dropping pins is the term used to locate a place on a map that is not identified by a searchable address. You can drop pins and then save or share them or create… Read more

How to Log Out of Facebook (and Not Let Others Log in)

Facebook privacy is one of the biggest concerns for many netizens. Without even getting started on the social network’s dubious use and abuse of its users’ data, there’s also the more direct matter of making sure that other people using your computer after you – whether it’s your home PC or a public one – can’t go snooping around on your Facebook account. Or maybe you just want to log out of Facebook so you’re not pathologically clicking onto it every five minutes. Whatever your reasons, we’ll show you not only how to log out of Facebook, but also put up safeguards to make sure… Read more

Are Private Email Services Worth the Money?

Comparing private paid email services like Proton Mail and free services like Gmail, for those concerned about privacy and disturbed by Google’s giant database of deeply personal information, are private email services worth the money? What Free Email Services Do With Your Email While free email services don’t often “read” your emails, they do spy on your content in a slightly less Orwellian but no less effective way. That’s how apps like Gmail can offer clever integrations like automatically adding flight data to your calendar or providing a tracking link without opening an email from a retailer. So free email services like AOL, Yahoo, and… Read more

How to Scan for Devices on Your Wi-Fi Network

If you think someone is using your Wi-Fi network without permission, you probably need to work on your Wi-Fi security – a well-secured network is pretty hard to crack. To confirm your suspicions, though, you’ll need to check your network and see what’s going on there. The best way to do that is usually to access your router’s management panel. If you don’t have access to the router web interface, perhaps because you’re checking a public network or possibly scanning an Airbnb for carelessly hidden cameras (not a guarantee, since a smart voyeur would put them on a hidden network or use a memory card),… Read more

The 9 Best Google Maps Alternatives You Should Try

Google Maps is good. Let’s just get that out of the way first. Google’s ever-updating, ever-improving navigation is popular and robust enough to have more or less brought on the death of the paper map, and it feels like it’s getting more and more accessible by the day. But there are still reasons why you wouldn’t want to, or can’t, use Google Maps. Some countries, like China, run a pretty tight ship when it comes to regulation, making Google Maps over there as good as useless, or maybe you just don’t want Google algorithms profiting off your data. Whatever your reasons, we won’t pry, and instead… Read more