How to Use Google Drive to Maximize Productivity

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud-storage services out there. This cloud-storage service gives you 15GB of free storage with the option of buying additional space, as soon as you sign up for a Google account. With Google Drive, you can gain access to your file on any device you have added your Google account to. You can enjoy offline access to your files as well. How to Sign Up for Google Drive There are two ways you can get your Google Drive account. You can go to Google Drive and sign up… Read more

The 12 Most Secure Email Services for Better Privacy

You can’t have too much privacy in today’s all-seeing Internet of big corporations, nosey governments, and “14 Eyes.” (If you don’t know what that is, do your research!) You don’t need to be a criminal not to want your emails spied on, but to have a guarantee of that, you’ll need to find an email service with your privacy as its main concern. These services are, thankfully, becoming more common, but even among them it’s important to pick out the ones that wouldn’t be able to spy on your data even if they received a government order to. Here are our favorite high-security, high-privacy email… Read more

What Is DNS Over HTTPS, and Does It Make Mozilla an “Internet Villain?”

Generally, when an app developer adds features that improve security, privacy, and performance, they don’t get a lot of flak for it. Mozilla’s implementation of DNS over HTTPS (an encrypted way for your computer to look up web addresses), however, earned it a place as a finalist in the “Internet Villains” ranking run by the UK’s Internet Service Provider Association (ISPA) and some negative comments from government agencies. Why? Because this feature encrypts the requests your computer sends out when it’s trying to find a website. UK ISPs have to comply with Internet blocking and tracking regulations, a lot of… Read more

How to Save Money on Your Netflix Subscription

By offering consumers a wide variety of quality programming at fair prices, Netflix has established itself as the current king of video streaming. While Netflix is considerably cheaper than most cable subscriptions, the cost of a Netflix subscription can easily add up. Unfortunately, unlike many cable companies, Netflix’s pricing is set in stone and therefore it is non-negotiable. However, there are other ways to save money on your Netflix subscription. Opt for a Cheaper Subscription Currently, Netflix has three different subscription tiers. The pricing of those tiers are based on two things: how many devices can stream simultaneously… Read more

6 Fun Games to Help You Learn CSS Easily

Learning CSS can be a frustrating experience, but at least it doesn’t have to be boring! One of the best things about learning to code is that people who are good at coding also happen to have the skills to make games that teach other people to code. There’s no substitute for practice and experimentation in learning basic CSS, but games definitely help, and newer layout models like grid and flexbox especially benefit from a hands-on learning model. Here are some games that allow you to master CSS in no time. 1. CSS Diner: CSS Selectors … Read more