Trivae is a Gadgeteer worthy trivet. Wait, what?

If you enjoy cooking, then you can probably relate to this scenario. You’re making a pot of soup, boiling pasta, tomato sauce, etc. and you need to put the pot lid down so you can stir or serve the food. If you place the lid “face down” on your stove or countertop, the condensation that built up from the steam in the pot will drip onto the surface, making a mess that you’ll need to clean up later.

Trivae has been designed to solve this problem. It’s an over-engineered trivet that can keep one or even two hot pots from damaging a countertop and it can also fold into a z-shape to convert into a handy pot lid holder.

In this configuration, the Trivae trivet can hold upside down lids or even elevated platters of food. Don’t worry, it won’t collapse under the weight of your homemade meat lover’s pizza because it’s strong enough to hold up to 10 pounds.

Trivae is available in four colors and is priced at $80. You can read more about it at and order from The Grommet or Amazon.

Filed in categories: Home and Kitchen, News


Trivae is a Gadgeteer worthy trivet. Wait, what? originally appeared on on February 24, 2017 at 11:46 am.

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Ember mug keeps your hot beverage at the perfect temperature (in theory)

Every morning I fix myself a large mug of hot tea after getting to my day job or before a marathon of couch surfing on the weekends at home. I don’t drink the tea quickly enough to enjoy the full mug at a temperature that’s just right. I usually end up nuking it in the microwave a couple of times before finally finishing and starting on a new cup. That’s why the Ember mug looks pretty awesome to me. The Ember 12oz. mug that features a customizable temperature control that lets you set the stored liquid’s temperature from 120°F to 145°F with a twist of the base.

An LCD on the mug displays the temperature as you turn the base to set your desired heat level. You can also customize the temperature using an app. That’s right, you can pair the Ember mug with your phone. I don’t know why you’d want to do that instead of just turning the base,

The mug has a built-in battery that charges via a wireless charging base that they call the charging coaster. By itself, the Ember mug will keep your tea or cafe mocha grande frappuccino venti latte (I don’t know anything about coffee if that isn’t glaring obvious) at your set temperature for up to 2 hours per charge. But the mug can keep your hot beverage at your favorite temperature all day long if you set it on the charging coaster.

This all sounds great to me except there are a few caveats to consider. First of all, the Ember mug is/was a successfully funded Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign that ended back in November of 2015 and there are still backers who haven’t received their mugs even though they are currently listed on Amazon and has been picked up by Starbucks.

Another issue is that there are quite a few people complaining about the battery life of the mug on Amazon and the Indiegogo backer’s page. And last but not least, the Ember mug is priced at $149.99 with shipping due next month through the Ember site. I think I’ll stick with my sip, nuke, repeat method of keeping my tea warm. What about you?

Filed in categories: Home and Kitchen, News


Ember mug keeps your hot beverage at the perfect temperature (in theory) originally appeared on on February 22, 2017 at 11:57 am.

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Sort out your grinds for the perfect cup of coffee with the Kruve Sifter

The coffee enthusiast will tell you that a good, consistent grind is essential to the perfect cup of coffee. That’s hard to achieve at home without a high-end coffee grinder. The Kruve Sifter is an ingenious solution that enables you to consistently get the most out of your beans with the grinding gear you already have in your kitchen.

The Kruve Sifter is ridiculously simple. A pair of sieves are inserted into stackable trays with a lid. Pour in your grinds and give it a shake. The ideal grinds for your brewing system are now separated from the larger and smaller particles (known as “boulders” and “fines” in coffee lingo), ensuring that you achieve the perfect flavor profile for your precious beans. 

The Kruve Sifter is available in silver, red and black. Three packages are offered (the Two, Six and Twelve) that are distinguished by the number of different sized screens included in the package so that you can dial in the specific grind level for your needs. The Six and Twelve also include a rack for your sieves. Prices range from $49 to $129.

I’m interested in picking one of these up to see what it will do for the trusty blade grinder in my kitchen. If you’re ready to step up your coffee game, you can purchase the Kruve Sifter directly by visiting the Kruve, Inc. web site.

Filed in categories: Home and Kitchen, News


Sort out your grinds for the perfect cup of coffee with the Kruve Sifter originally appeared on on February 22, 2017 at 6:38 am.

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