Julie’s gadget diary – I’m still MacBook-less

Last week I told you that my 12-inch MacBook had to be admitted into the hospital to get its keyboard fixed. It’s been at the MacExperience store in Bloomington, IN since Saturday. They told me that the turn around time would be 3-5 business days. With the July 4th holiday yesterday, I’ve been a little worried that I wouldn’t be fixed in time for me to pick it up this coming Saturday. That fear is getting worse since I just received an automated email telling me that my MacBook is only just now going through the diagnosis stage. Ugh 🙁

It’s not like I don’t have another laptop to use right now, because I do. I have a 3yr old Dell XPS 13-inch laptop which is allowing me to get my Gadgeteer work done just fine. As I had said in my first article. Besides Photoshop and Todoist which I’ve been testing, most of my Gadgeteer work is done in a browser, so it really doesn’t matter that much what type of computer I use. But one app that I immediately felt lost without was TypeIt4Me. TypeIt4Me is a text expander tool that saves me a crazy amount of time by letting me create text macros that get expanded when I type something like !sig and it immediately expands to:

Thank you,
Julie Strietelmeier

I ended up installing a similar program for Windows called AutoHotKey that works just like TypeIt4Me but it requires that you edit a text file to add all the text macros. But it’s free, so I won’t complain.

I’m also getting used to dealing with weird little Windows 10 glitches and idiocracies like when I open a file manager window from some apps and it’s magnified about 10x too big on the 27-inch BenQ monitor that I have the XPS connected to, but in other apps it’s just fine.

I’ll admit that my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, but come on, this is a little ridiculous don’t you think?

Then there’s the weird sound that I kept hearing the other day and finally figured out that it was coming from the XPS. I recorded it for you. Take a listen but be sure to turn up your volume:

I think the noise is some type of interference and not the built-in fan because when the fan does run, it’s much more noticeable. Which reminds me that I’m not a fan of laptop’s with fans because I like quiet and lots of it.

Am I nitpicking and whining for no real reason? Yes, most definitely. I am thankful that I have another computer to use while my daily driver is in the shop. But that said, this little vacation from macOS has made me realize that I do prefer it to Windows 10. I’m not saying that to start an OS war, but honestly, I just like my little 12-inch MacBook with macOS better than the 13-inch Dell XPS with the latest version of Windows 10. It even feels faster to me.

It looks like I’m going to have to just suck it up though because I think I’m going to be using the Dell for another week. <sniff>

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Julie’s gadget diary – I’m still MacBook-less originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on July 5, 2018 at 5:20 pm.

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Nomad Battery Cable review

If you depend on your smartphone as much as I do, then anything that adds convenience is worth at least a “second look”, and in many cases, is worth trying. When I saw the Nomad battery cable, its initial appearance seemed to be unique, so I decided to test it out.

What is it?

The Nomad Battery Cable is a cable designed for the iPhone that offers the ability to charge the phone and transfer date all in one cable, with a lightning adapter on one end, an inline battery, and a USB plug on the other end.

What’s in the box

In the box, you will find the Battery cable, and the instructions printed on the inside of the box.

Design and features


1X iPhone charge
Apple MFi approved
Pass-through charging technology
Capacity: 2800mAh
Input: USB A 5V/1.5A
Output: Apple Lightning 5V/1.5A
Length: 1.5 meter

The Nomad Battery Cable is a rugged cable that according to the manufacturer is made from Ballistic Nylon. The inline battery is encased in an aluminum housing. This cable is compatible with the iPhone 5 through iPhone X, and it is not designed for iPad. When fully charged, the inline battery is capable of providing one full phone charge. During testing, my iPhone 8 Plus was charged at about 20% per hour.
The cable is 5 feet long, with a USB connector on one end and a lightning connector on the other. The inline battery starts at approximately 11 inches from the USB end of the cable and the length of the battery enclosure is approximately 5 inches long.

Nomad includes a silicone cable strap on the cable to conveniently keep the cable wrapped up neatly when not in use or when in use in close proximity.
Rather than include an instruction booklet, Nomad uses a minimalist style and prints the instructions on the inside of the box.

On the side of the battery enclosure, there is a button to test the battery charge status, and a LED that lights orange when the battery needs to be charged or is less than 30 % charged, and lights up white when it is fully charged or charged anywhere between 30% and 100%. If the battery charge is really low, the LED flashes orange.

What I like

I like that the cable is made extremely well, and seems very unlikely to easily suffer from the fraying damage that most cables do. I also like that the battery is built into the cable so that I can carry just this one cable for both data and charging purposes.

What can be improved

I find that the length of the cable can become an issue at times even with the silicone strap. I think that if the cable can be housed in some retractable way, then it would work better for my daily use.

Final thoughts

After using the Nomad Battery Cable for a while, I am still “on the fence” about whether or not it will become a part of my “go to” bag of accessories. While the concept is good, I can buy a USB battery pack with more capacity and a well-built lightning cable for much less than the cost of this item. While this cable offers the two options in one convenient package, its use is limited to specific phones and to only providing one charge before it needs to be recharged. It can definitely be very helpful in an emergency, but I am undecided about its practicality beyond that. Maybe I will post an update in a month or two if my opinion changes.

Price: $49.95
Where to buy: Nomad website and Amazon.
Source: The sample for this review was provided by Nomad

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Nomad Battery Cable review originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on July 5, 2018 at 12:00 pm.

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Headphones, charging docks, pens, and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns

NEWS – Today I have a selection of five Kickstarter and Indiegogo crowdfunding campaigns that I think are interesting enough that you’ll want to check them out. Click through to see this week’s notable crowdfunding campaigns.

Heari | Smart tailored audio headphone with Aumeo

blurb by Bill Henderson

What is it?

Heari is a wireless in-ear headphone that uses tailored audio and audio transparency to customize sounds to each ear’s hearing sensitivities.

Why do I like it?

US laws have changed making it possible for audio companies to affordably customize each audio device specifically to the individual. Like a hearing test, Heari uses an iOS or Android app to measure each ear by eight frequencies and adjust the sounds accordingly. The accuracy of the hearing profile setup is 97% of what happens with an audiologist hearing test – now in only 2-3 minutes for about 1/30th of the cost. The headphones have one unidirectional mic so you can focus in and hear just one person talking in a noisy bar—and another mic that picks up other sounds so you can hear everything around you more clearly. Heari is ideal for music and phone calls as well.

Where can I find more info?

The Heari campaign has surpassed its $51,000 goal with 35 days left in the campaign. You can order a single-driver gold edition for $99 US or a dual-driver version for $179 US. Each has an estimated delivery date of December 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

Dock Me – The only charger you will ever need

What is it?

Dock Me is a free-standing charging hub for devices with wireless and non-wireless charging capabilities.

Why do I like it?

I like the Dock Me hubs because it allows you to charge multiple devices without having them scattered all over your desk. Instead, there are shelves for the devices so the footprint of the hub is smaller than all the devices by themselves and it keeps your desk tidy.

Where can I find more info?

The Dock Me campaign ends on 7/9/18 and they have already passed their funding goal of $7,616. You can pre-order a Dock Me starting at $88. After the Dock Me campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in December 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

ZEROHOUR APEX BOLT ACTION: Titanium Pen + Hidden Multi-Tool

What is it?

APEX BOLT ACTION is a pen with some built-in extras that EDC fans will appreciate.

Why do I like it?

I like the APEX BOLT ACTION pen first for its cool bolt mechanism, and then for the built-in extras like the ceramic glass breaker tip, and hex bit driver in the barrel. And let’s not forget, the pen is made of titanium.

Where can I find more info?

The APEX BOLT ACTION campaign ends on 7/27/18 and they have already passed their funding goal of $10,000. You can pre-order an APEX BOLT ACTION pen starting at $59. After the APEX BOLT ACTION campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in September 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

Bibo Barmaid- Delicious Cocktails in 20 Seconds!

What is it?

Bibo Barmaid is like a Keurig coffee maker but for booze! It takes the mess and guesswork out of making your favorite cocktails.

Why do I like it?

I like the Bibo Barmaid because it’s designed to be the perfect bartender who makes your favorite drink in 20 seconds without the hassle or mess. It uses drink pouches with a code that the Barmaid can read so it knows exactly how to make the drink in a flash. We have a full review of the Bibo Barmaid coming soon. This campaign is for their new stainless steel version of the Barmaid and 3 new drink flavors. But you can already buy the Barmaid through their site if you don’t want the new stainless steel version.

Where can I find more info?

The Bibo Barmaid campaign ends in one month and they are still working towards their funding goal of $5,000. You can pre-order a Bibo Barmaid starting at $129. After the Bibo Barmaid campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in August 2018. Visit their Indiegogo page for all the details.

Eclipse: The Morphing Coin Shaped Everyday Carry Knife

What is it?

Eclipse is a circular shaped knife that morphs into a nano bladed knife with a quick press.

Why do I like it?

I like the Eclipse because it’s unique. I’m not convinced it’s ultra useful, but for someone who collects knives and EDC pocket gear, it sure looks cool. It even has a built-in bottle opener.

Where can I find more info?

The Eclipse campaign ends on 8/26/18 and they more than halfway to their funding goal of $20,000. You can pre-order an Eclipse starting at $49. After the Eclipse campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in October 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

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Headphones, charging docks, pens, and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on July 5, 2018 at 11:00 am.

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Never search for the end of the roll of tape again

NEWS – I have one roll of tape that has a dispenser handle, but most of the tape in my house is just plain rolls.  That means I have to search (and search) for the end of the roll of painter’s tape or electrical tape every time I want to use it.  Also, I need to tear the tape when I’ve pulled off the amount I need, because I never have a pair of scissors handy.  If I had a few of these Tadpole Tape Cutters, I’d never have to search for the end or bite through the tape again.

The Tadpole cutters are available in three sizes to fit most rolls of tape:  1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 inch widths.  A bungee cord holds the cutter snugly against the tape roll.  Push a button on the tadpole to free up the end.  When you’ve pulled out what you need, the cutter makes a clean, straight cut through the tape.

Tadpole is made of ABS plastic and stainless steel.  It is compatible with:  electrical, duct, masking, bunker, painters, automotive, and framers/art gallery tapes; it isn’t compatible with the clear, cellophane tape used for wrapping presents.

The Tadpole Tape Cutter is $5.95 for the 1″ size, $6.45 for the 1.5″ size, and $6.95 for the 2″ size at The Grommet.  If you have a lot of tape-cutting needs, they also offer a set with one of each size for $15.95.

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Never search for the end of the roll of tape again originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on July 5, 2018 at 10:00 am.

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ZAGG InvisibleShield glass+360 screen protector review

REVIEW – I’m a huge screen protector advocate. I can’t tell you the number of times they have saved my, my wife’s, and many other clutzy friend’s and family’s smartphones. It is amazing how well they work, taking the bullet for your precious device, leaving your screen alive and well. In this case, ZAGG has released a whole-phone, barely-there solution, protecting not only the front and back glass but the sides and edges of your phone as well. The InvisibleShield glass+ 360 is engineered to protect your entire iPhone in hardened tempered glass and a minimal rubber bumper case.

What is it?

As I stated above, the ZAGG Glass+ 360 provides whole-phone, relatively unobtrusive protection to your all glass and metal iPhone X. The Glass+ 360 has three components: smooth tempered glass on the front, hybrid glass on the back, and a clear, durable bumper that protects the sides and corners of your phone from bumps and drops.

Let’s face it, as smartphones have evolved into something we tech/sci-fi-nerds only dreamed of a decade ago, they have become increasingly slippery, fragile, and very expensive to repair or replace. The iPhone is a prime example of this; even though Apple continues to harden their smartphones…gravity and concrete typically win.

Design and features

ZAGG has engineered the InvisibleShield glass+360 to complete encase and protect your very expensive iPhone from the outside world.

What’s in the box

  • Glass+ 360
  • EZ Apply Tray
  • Cleaning Wipe
  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Dust Removal Sticker
  • Instructions


ZAGG includes their EZ Apply technology to help you install the screen and back protectors. This system includes the red EZ Apply Tray seen above.

The tray and wings on each of the sheets of glass are supposed to help you align and set the protectors on your smartphone perfectly on the first try…at least that is the hope/theory. For me, the tempered glass front went on seamlessly.

But try as I may, I could not get the back glass on the InvisibleShield glass+ to adhere to the bottom corners and edge. Lynn had similar issues when reviewing the ZAGG’s InvisibleShield curved glass screen protector for the Samsung Galaxy S9That said, the problem does not seem to be getting worse and the bubble has not become any bigger or gotten dust between the protector and the back glass of the iPhone X.

I have installed nearly a hundred of screen protectors in my day from the plastic film on my Palm Vx to the high-tech curved glass of today. I do this for myself, family, friends, coworkers, etc. Not to toot my own horn but I’m a screen applying ninja…no dust or bubbles while getting the placement/alignment spot on more often than not. So, I was frustrated and disappointed I could not get the back protector to seat properly no matter what I tried.

The front glass is perfectly sized for the screen with a black edge and cutout for the notch camera assembly. The surface coating they use on the glass is silky smooth and extremely smudge resistant. I can’t say the same for the back ‘hybrid’ glass, that is a fingerprint magnet. But that is a minor thing being the back vs the screen.

The left side of the bumper case has a cutout for the mute switch and push-throughs for the volume buttons.

The right side has a push-through for the power button.

The base has cutouts for the iPhone’s lightning port and speakers.

As you can see, dust and bits collect under the clear bumper case. This is the situation after about a week of living in my pocket. But the case itself can be easily removed, cleaned, and reinstalled.

The bumper case extends past the front and back of the iPhone providing extra protection for both faces.

What I like

  • Well designed
  • 360 protection
  • Includes EZ Apply technology
  • Excellent feel and smudge resistance
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Compatible with wireless charging

What needs to be improved

  • Expensive
  • Back glass failed to seat correctly

One More Thing…

The InvisibleShield glass+360 is expensive to say the least…$70 for two pieces of glass and a rubber bumper case. I grant you the whole system is well engineered with excellent material quality but just the same, that is seriously insane in today’s world. Where you can find the pieces to create your own ‘system’ on Amazon for about 10 bucks. Before I received the Glass+360, I had been using a $3 screen protector (actually a 3 pack for $8) and Slickwrap film on the back I bought on sale for $8 for two (pictured above). About as minimalistic as you can get.

And as the story goes, this extremely minimal setup was not only inexpensive but effective. It protected my iPhone X from several serious falls. One of the times, I dropped my iPhone from approximate six (6+) plus feet off of an elliptical machine, where it bounced off various parts of the machine before coming to rest on the concrete floor below. I thought I was totally horked seeing the carnage the screen protector had taken, but low and behold once I removed the glass protector and back film the phone looked new/untouched. Now that is rock solid, barely-there, nearly naked protection.

Once I got home, I slapped on another $3 protector from the box, applied the spare film and I was good to go…

Final thoughts

Even at half the cost, I would have a difficult time recommending the ZAGG InvisibleShield glass+360 case and screen protector system to anyone. It is just too expensive with issues adhering to some of the surfaces. I grant you it feels very nice on the iPhone X, is well made, easy to install, insanely clear, and comes with a lifetime warranty but still. I have used many ZAGG products over the years and they rarely disappointed me and really the InvisibleShield glass+360 doesn’t either…it really just comes down to the bang for the buck.

Price: $69.99
Where to buy: InvisibleShield Glass+360 is available from ZAGG.
Source: The sample of this product was provided by ZAGG.

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ZAGG InvisibleShield glass+360 screen protector review originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on July 5, 2018 at 9:00 am.

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