When social media giant Facebook purchased everyone’s favorite mobile messenger “Whatsapp,” users were promised their data would be private and that they wouldn’t be subject to the shady things that Mark Zuckerberg and crew are known for. That promise is all but gone, leaving many of us seeking alternatives. As time has gone on, more and more privacy has been taken away from Whatsapp users in the name of “analytical data.” Gone are the days when you could trust this app to be totally private and not expect to get data mined for valuable information – information that could easily be sold to advertisers. Pretty… Read more
The 80 Plus system is used to rate computer power supplies (PSUs) based on their reliability and efficiency. If you don’t understand the system, you’ll have to be lucky to avoid spending too much money or getting a too-weak power supply. The 80 Plus power supply rating system is simple and requires only a quick review to internalize. Related: Buying a Power Supply: Wattage, Efficiency and More 80 Plus Certification Levels 80 Plus Standard: At least 80-percent efficiency at all power levels and a power factor of 0.9 at 50-percent output.80 Plus… Read more
When it comes to working with computers, it is very common for most of us to spend hours sitting down with very little movement. Studies have shown over and over again that sitting long hours without any physical activity can lead to obesity, back pain, and other severe health problems. One of the reasons why we spend hours in front of a computer screen is that we simply forget to take a break. Thankfully, there are several free applications that can remind and even force you to take stretch breaks. Here are some of the best and easy-to-use stretch reminder apps… Read more
Game account hacking is nothing new. As long as people have had online game accounts, there have been others keen to crack their security and get into it. Did you know, however, that people can actually turn a profit from hacking game accounts? This makes game hacking more than just a malicious way to steal others’ accounts; it’s potentially a way to turn a large profit! How Can Hackers Make Money? This may seem a little weird: after all, why would people care about an in-game account? Surely anyone who owns a copy of the game already has… Read more
If you regularly browse the technology news, you’ll see that foldable phones are all over the place. Every phone manufacturer is either working on one or releasing one it seems. But is this really what consumers are looking for? Are they waiting for foldable phones to be released so that they can get one for themselves? Are you waiting to buy a foldable phone? Our Opinion While Alex likes the idea, especially in that “it solves the awkward tablet problem (all the portability of a computer with all the features of a phone),” he doesn’t have a pressing… Read more