Playdate is a game system with a b&w screen and a crank. Shut up and take my money!

NEWS – Do I consider myself a gamer? Heck no! The most exciting gaming that I’ve done lately has been a rousing game of Words With Friends on my phone. #Sad. That doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate when something new and interesting comes along and the Playdate certainly looks interesting.

Playdate is a handheld gaming system from Panic, a company who has been making macOS and iOS software for 20 years. The device features a hi-resolution 400 x 270 pixel 2.7-inch black and white display, a traditional D-pad controller, and a crank. Yes, a crank! The crank is an analog controller that looks wonky as heck but that’s what makes the Playdate interesting. How the heck will it work and what will the games be like?

It looks cool as heck and I want one right now! But unfortunately, Playdate isn’t available yet. We won’t be able to get our hands on one until 2020. ARGH! But when it is available, it will set you back $149 and you’ll receive a new game for it at no extra charge each week for 12 weeks. Want to know more? Head over to the site and sign up to be notified when the device is available

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Playdate is a game system with a b&w screen and a crank. Shut up and take my money! originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on May 24, 2019 at 8:00 am.

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