Adagio Teas simplifies making a pot of tea with the VelociTEA kettle

NEWS – I thought we had our tea-making process under control here, but Adagio Teas can streamline the process even more with their new VelociTEA kettle.  You just add water to the kettle, choose the perfect temperature for brewing the variety of tea, put the leaves in the dishwasher-safe brew basket, then press the button to get started.  VelociTEA will heat the water to the proper temperature, then steep the leaves for the proper amount of time.  The kettle can even hold the tea at the proper drinking temperature for up to an hour.  If you simply want hot water, the VelociTEA can heat that, too.

The VelociTEA will ship on December 15, 2018.  You can pre-order the kettle now for $99 and save $20.  Place your pre-order now at the Adagio Teas website.

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Adagio Teas simplifies making a pot of tea with the VelociTEA kettle originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on November 19, 2018 at 11:00 am.

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