This handheld self-defense device is like having your dad protect you

The D.A.D. 2 from TigerLight is a wearable defense alert system that you wear over your hand, so it’s ready for action if someone tries to attack you. It features a military-grade pepper spray and built-in emergency alert that sends a message using your phone to all of your emergency contacts when you activate the pepper spray.

D.A.D.2 even sends a message to anyone within one mile of your location who has the free DAD app on their device.

The handheld defense device also has a built-in light that has a bright strobe for 3 seconds and then switches to a constant high mode but if you do not want it strobe, you can “tap” the button twice and it will go directly to high mode.

The D.A.D. 2 is priced at $129.99 from TigerLight.

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This handheld self-defense device is like having your dad protect you originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on June 10, 2018 at 8:00 am.

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