Browser Password Managers: Are They Good Enough?

Whatever your browser of choice is, you’ll often get an option that asks: “Save password for this site?” If you have several passwords or can’t remember the last combination, browser-based password managers are terrific time-savers and make life more convenient. Most major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera all come with a built-in password manager. The question is, how reliable are they? Related: What You Should Look Out for When Choosing a Password Manager Are Browser Password Managers Safe? As much as they’re convenient and save time, browser password managers offer a false sense of security, especially in the event of a browser breach. Let’s… Read more

How to Import Your Passwords from LastPass to Dashlane

It’s no secret that to protect your accounts you need to have a unique password for every one of them. Unfortunately, remembering a password with special characters, letters, and numbers is a tough task. That’s why you may prefer to use the same one for various accounts. Thanks to password managers, you don’t have to do that. You can create strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts and have less worry about forgetting them. But what if you want to switch password managers – for example, from LastPass to Dashlane? Here’s how you can import your passwords from LastPass to Dashlane. Related: What… Read more

How to Make Mobile Safari Save Your Passwords on iOS

Security experts are always reminding you that your accounts should always have a strong password. The only problem with that is that remembering strong passwords for various accounts can be almost impossible. The question you may ask yourself is where you can keep your passwords. The answer to that question is debatable, but if you decide to keep your passwords in your Safari browser, the following guide will show you how to do that so that the next time you need to sign into your accounts, you won’t have to depend on a third-party app. Related: Safari Not Working on Your iPhone? Here’s How to… Read more

How to Autofill Password in Android

Autofill is a framework that manages the communication between apps and the autofill service on your device. Like password managers, which fill out information in other apps with data you provided previously, autofill services take out the time-consuming and error-prone nature of filling out forms. It can be frustrating having to fill out forms all the time on different apps, which is why the autofill framework makes the experience better. On Android, the autofill feature uses Google’s own password management service to enter your username and password into apps, though it will work with other password manager apps as well. It is only available for… Read more