How to Get Started With Kubernetes on Your Laptop Using Minikube

We already covered the basics of Kubernetes in a previous tutorial. As a single-node Kubernetes cluster, Minikube is the best way to run Kubernetes on your laptop because it can be squarely placed inside a virtual machine. The official website of Kubernetes provides complete instructions on how to get started with Minikube. In the following steps we have recreated these instructions using actual screenshots. Step 1. Install a Hypervisor First, you will need to install a hypervisor such as KVM, VMware Fusion, Hyper-V or VirtualBox. Depending on whether you have Windows, Mac or Linux, select your recommended hypervisor as shown below. We are going to… Read more

What Is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (pronounced “CUBE-A-NET-IS”) is an open-source platform that helps manage container applications such as Docker. Whether you are looking to automate or scale these containers across multiple hosts, Kubernetes can speed up deployment. To do this it may use internal components such as Kubernetes API or third-party extensions which run on Kubernetes. This article will help you understand the basic concepts of Kubernetes and why it is causing such a seismic shift in the server market, with vendors as well as cloud providers, such as Azure and Google Cloud, offering Kubernetes services. Kubernetes: A Brief History Kubernetes is one of Google’s gifts to the open… Read more