16 of the Best Free Games For Linux

“Free” and “Linux” go hand in hand beautifully, like chips and a milkshake, and even though Linux isn’t widely seen as a gaming platform, there is a veritable wealth of free games you can get for it if you look in the right places. That’s in large part thanks to unpaid, open-source developers, who collaborate to bring classics (and new games) all together in Linux. So in tribute to those tireless devs, we’ve gathered the best free games you can play on Linux right now. Enjoy! Related: How to Set a Static IP Address in Ubuntu 1. Awesomenauts Combine the compelling tactics and lane… Read more

11 Best Open-Source Software to Try in 2019

Open-source software feels like an anomaly in today’s corporate tech world. The idea that a community of developers are happy to work on a piece of software – usually for no money – for literally years seems ludicrous, and speaks to the passion that people have for making technology for the benefit of everyone. Open-source devs, we salute you! So to honor these tireless workers who quietly make our day-to-day computer experiences that much better, we’ve decided to write up a multi-platform list of what we deem the best open-source software you can get in 2019. Do note that there are tons of open-source software… Read more