Some of the more terrifying exploits are the ones that can hit you for doing very little. We saw a PlayStation 4 exploit last year where people’s consoles could be bricked by opening a message. Recently, we’ve witnessed an “unavoidable” attack on WhatsApp, where all the hacker had to do was call the victim. Related: What to Do If Someone Has Access to Your WhatsApp Account How the Attack Worked This is a particularly scary attack, as there’s not much the user can do to combat this bar uninstalling the app. There are no links to click or websites to visit; the hacker simply… Read more
“Can I have your real phone number?” Many of us hesitate to share this valuable piece of our identity because nowadays these are more than just phone numbers. They enable login access to our bank accounts, control the locks and devices in a smart home, and act as doorkeepers to scores of websites and apps. All this, unfortunately, comes at a time when cyber-criminals have advanced resources at their disposal to take over someone’s mobile account. It is prudent to make your cell phone number “private” or “different” so that it does not appear on the recipient’s caller ID. If a number has to be… Read more
I’m not ashamed to admit that driving in overcrowded cities just isn’t my thing anymore. From jostling for parking spaces to dealing with traffic jams, I’d rather outsource the headache to a more capable person. Fortunately, with ride-share apps I’m never more than a few clicks away from a car at my doorstep. If you don’t enjoy driving, all you have to do is look down your phone and keep track of a car’s arrival. Prepaid rides also free you from the ordeal of hailing a taxi when they won’t even bother to stop for you. While on a vacation abroad, hitching a ride with… Read more
It’s unfortunate but true: technology tends to leave seniors behind. Older folks find it more difficult to adopt new technologies, and with the cell phone industry on the forefront of emerging tech, some seniors find them simply too difficult to use. Do Grandma and Grandpa seem flabbergasted by the latest iPhone? Do they think an Android is the metal trashcan from “Lost In Space?” It’s time to take them under the arm and guide them into the modern age. The phones listed below should be enough to convince them that smartphone technology isn’t all that scary. 1. Google Pixel XL Yes, the first phone… Read more
There’s been discussion for several years that Apple is interested in eliminating desktops and laptops and replacing them with iPads. There’s even been a trend of the company combining macOS and iOS to get closer to that ideal. However, the company consistently says that isn’t the direction they are headed. However, a report suggests Apple is working on adding the ability to add a mouse or trackpad to an iPad Pro through USB-C in the upcoming iOS 13. With the addition of a Bluetooth keyboard, this would give the user a more complete laptop experience. Adding Mouse Capability to iPad Pro The premium tablet line… Read more