New Wave of Malware Targets Unpatched Microsoft Office

Usually, when someone discovers an exploit for a program, a hotfix is released to patch it. This lifecycle gives these exploits a relatively short lifespan between its discovery and its fix. As such, it’s very unusual for an old flaw for a popular program to still be making the rounds, especially after a patch is released to fix it. This is why it’s so notable that an old exploit of Microsoft Office is still circling the Internet. It even became the third most prevalent attack in 2018. The problem is, this exploit was fixed back in 2017, and it’s still doing damage to this day!… Read more

Windows 10 Built-In Ads Showing Malicious Content

Microsoft has gone on record to say that Windows 10 will be their final operating system. Whether or not they fall back on this declaration is yet to be seen; however, with no sight of a “Windows 11” on the horizon, it’s clear that 10 is here to stay for at least a few more years. This caveat does mean, however, that Microsoft has to rely on side revenue to keep the company afloat. In previous years they could release a new edition of Windows and ride off of the income. With this now out of the question, Microsoft has been experimenting with advertisements in… Read more

How Malware Developers Target Illegal Streaming

Illegal torrenting was once the number-one enemy for movie producers and cinemas; however, times are changing. Nowadays, users are shifting toward streaming movies instead of torrenting them. There are many reasons for this shift. For one, streaming movies means you can see the quality of it instantly; torrenting the video may lead to disappointment once it’s finished, and the film quality is awful. Also, streaming movies is harder for law enforcement to detect than torrenting. In fact, the UK has never seen an arrest for streaming illegal content without using additional third-party devices, like a custom video box. Related: Malware Developers Are Now Targetting Fortnite… Read more

How Scammers Take Advantage of Tax Season

When it’s time to file your taxes, it can be a mad dash to get everything sorted before the deadline. Unfortunately, this mad dash to get your tax returns filed makes for a prime hunting ground for hackers. By using the deadline rush they can slip in their scams while people are in a frenzied state, catching them off-guard and getting their malware onto the victim’s computer. But how do scammers take advantage of the tax season, and what can you do as a taxpayer to avoid such an attack? How Scammers Take Advantage of Tax Season The key to the scammer’s attack is… Read more

Office Depot and Fined for Fake Malware Reports

Computers can be a complicated topic for some. When something goes wrong, not everyone can simply crack it open and tinker with the hardware. A lot of people depend on the wisdom of repair centers and companies to help get their machines back in working order. This, unfortunately, does open up the path to people who want to take advantage of the ignorance of others. If someone brings a PC to a manipulative person and asks them to fix it, they could easily perform some shady tactics without the user knowing what was going on. This is how so many PC sellers can get away… Read more