Learning CSS can be a frustrating experience, but at least it doesn’t have to be boring! One of the best things about learning to code is that people who are good at coding also happen to have the skills to make games that teach other people to code. There’s no substitute for practice and experimentation in learning basic CSS, but games definitely help, and newer layout models like grid and flexbox especially benefit from a hands-on learning model. Here are some games that allow you to master CSS in no time. 1. CSS Diner: CSS Selectors … Read more
Cursor changes might not be the most popular property in the world, but it’s still a useful tool for developers. While browsers will automatically change the cursors for certain objects, like links and some draggable items, developers can get better results from specifying their desired cursor specifically. Change the Mouse Point in CSS The appearance of the cursor is controlled by the cursor CSS property. This property controls the type of cursor rendered when the user mouses over the object. For example, mousing over the object associated with the class below would produce a four-directional dragging arrow: .cursor { cursor: move;} When mousing over the… Read more